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Links: Downs Syndrome - International - Medical Condition

Canadian Down's Syndrome Society

The Canadian Down Syndrome Society (CDSS) is a national, non-profit organization whose mission is to enhance the quality of life for all individuals who have Down syndrome.

Denmark - Landsforeningen Downs Syndrom

In Danish Lørdag den 4. november 2000 gav 92 mennesker startskuddet til en landsdækkende forening for Downs syndrom. Landsforeningen vil arbejde for at udbrede kendskabet til og skabe bedre forståelse og bedre vilkår for mennesker med Downs syndrom og deres familier.

Down Syndrome : For New Parents

On April 11, 1997, our son Michael was born. Mikey is a wonderful little boy and we love him with all our hearts. Mikey has Down Syndrome. This web site will attempt to be a resource for new parents of children with Down Syndrome. We will also try to provide a personal perspective by explaining how this has affected us and what it is like to be the parent of a child with Down Syndrome.

Down Syndrome Ireland (D.S.I)

Down Syndrome Ireland (D.S.I) is an organisation of parents and guardians of people with Down syndrome. It has over 2000 member families and 23 branches nation-wide. It is the biggest single parent group concerned with the welfare of people with learning disabilities in Ireland.

Down Syndrome Society of South Australia Inc

The Down Syndrome Society is located on the campus of Hectorville Primary School, Magill, Adelaide. The accommodation consists of three prefabricated classrooms, kitchen, toilet/washroom area, small office area and corridor space. The three classrooms are used as a Toy and Resource Library, staff/meeting room and office.

Hannes Nel's Downs Page

Hi, My name is Hannes Nel and I am a 13 year old Down's Syndrome living in sunny South Africa. I was born on the 11th of September 1989 in a town called Florida, close to Johannesburg, Gauteng, in the Republic of South Africa. (If you look on a world map, it is the most southern tip of Africa)

Jane Cameron's Site

Jane is an example of the unknown potential hidden in many Down Syndrome children which only needs the opportunity to be discovered and developed.

National Association for Down Syndrome

National Association for Down Syndrome (NADS), a not-for-profit organization, was founded in Chicago in 1961 by parents of children with Down syndrome who felt a need to create a better environment and bring about understanding and acceptance of people with Down syndrome.

New Zealand Down Syndrome Association

The New Zealand Down Syndrome Association (NZDSA Inc) is run by family and Whanau of people with Down Syndrome. It was formed in 1980 by a small group of parents concerned by the lack of information about Down syndrome available at the time. From the beginning NZDSA established a mutually beneficial alliance with IHC Inc. which continues today. Today there are fifteen regional groups or associations throughout New Zealand.

Recommended Down Syndrome Sites

If you do a web search for "Down syndrome" on any of the major search engines, you'll now get thousands of websites in return. When I first started this list, my intention was to make it as comprehensive as I could, and with only a few hundred sites, it used to be easier. With the rapid expansion of the internet over the last three years, however, that goal has become almost impossible. So here are the sites that I feel have the most to offer parents of children with Down syndrome ("DS" for short).

Riverbend Down Syndrome Parent Support Group

The non-profit Riverbend Down Syndrome Parent Support Group, a support group of the Down Syndrome Association of Greater St. Louis, provides support and information to parents of children with Down syndrome in Southwestern Illinois.

Russia - Downs Syndrome Association

In both Russian/English The Down's Syndrome Association - a society of parents of children with Down's syndrome - was registered in March 1993 in Moscow, comprising parents of children or adults with DownÒs syndrome. The Association works to ensure the survival and continued development of these children and also to promote their integration into society as complete human beings with equal rights.

Sara's Page

Our daughter, Sara, 4 1/2 years old, has Down Syndrome. Raising her, so far, has been one of our greatest challenges and greatest joys, all at the same time. When we discovered that I was pregnant with a Down Syndrome child, it was recommended by the hospital that we should strongly consider terminating the pregnancy. We made it clear that this child was wanted and loved just the way she is. Sara was born

South Africa - Down Syndrome South Africa

Down Syndrome South Africa has support groups in most of the major centres of the country. We are non-profit organizations of families and interested persons working to improve the quality of life for those with Down syndrome.

Spain - Canal Down21

In Spannish Canal Down21 tiene un objetivo primordial: Informar. Es precisamente a través de la información como quiere acercar y congregar, en primer lugar, a todos los usuarios interesados en el síndrome de Down para, al mismo tiempo, convertirles en fuente de esa información. Porque las personas con síndrome de Down, sus familias, los profesionales que las atienden los estudiantes que desean aprender, son realmente los protagonistas y los generadores de todos esos datos que actualmente

Switzerland - EDSA Schweiz

Auf dieser Seite möchten wir Sie über Veranstaltungen, Aktionen bei EDSA Schweiz sowie Aktuelles zum Thema Down Syndrom informieren. Hier finden Sie auch eine Vorschau der Themen die im nächsten 'aktuell 21' erscheinen werden. Gerne würden wir auch Eure Kinder auf dieser Webseite vorstellen. Bitte sendet ein Foto mit Vornamen und einem Bericht über Euer Kind, Alter, Anzahl Geschwister, Entwicklungsverlauf, Therapien, Kindergarten, Schule etc. an: EDSA Schweiz, Vereinigung der Eltern von Kindern mit Down Syndrom, 3000 Bern.

Yannick's Place

Homepage over ons zoontje met Down Syndroom. Geboren 19-03-2001 Een wonder is het telkens weer Een nieuw leven zo gaaf en teer Heel bijzonder is onze Yannick Eén chromosoom meer dan jij en ik!!!
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