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Links: Multiple Sclerosis - International - Medical Condition

Deutsche Multiple Sklerose Gesellschaft e.v. (In German)

Die DMSG - die Deutsche Multiple Sklerose Gesellschaft e.V. -1952 als Zusammenschluß medizinischer Fachleute gegründet, hat eine klar definierte Aufgabe: Sie vertritt die Belange von Menschen, die an Multipler Sklerose (MS) erkrankt sind und organisiert deren sozialmedizinische Nachsorge.
Die DMSG gliedert sich in den Bundesverband und 16 Landesverbände. Die Aufgabenverteilung untereinander gewährleistet ein umfangreiches Dienstleistungsangebot für MS-Erkrankte und ihre Familien.

L'Associazione Italiana Sclerosi Multipla (In Italian)

L’Associazione Italiana Sclerosi Multipla nasce nel 1968 per rappresentare i diritti e le speranze delle persone con sclerosi multipla. In trent'anni di attività l’Associazione è cresciuta, diventando una delle più importanti realtà nel panorama del non profit italiano, e oggi è ONLUS, Organizzazione Non Lucrativa di Utilità Sociale.
In osservanza della nuova legge italiana sugli Enti non profit, nel 1998 l’AISM ha affidato il compito di promuovere e finanziare la ricerca scientifica sulla sclerosi multipla alla Fondazione Italiana Sclerosi Multipla (FISM), anch’essa ONLUS, che prosegue l'impegno portato avanti dall'AISM fino al 1997.
I principali obiettivi che l'AISM e la sua Fondazione si propongono sono fornire assistenza sociosanitaria, diffondere una corretta informazione sulla malattia, sensibilizzare l'opinione pubblica e promuovere la ricerca scientifica sulla malattia.

Laeloli Man's MS Page

The aim of this site is to provide accurate medical information about multiple sclerosis from the perspective of someone who has the disease. It includes a lengthy description of the disease, an archive of news stories, an encyclopedia/glossary of terminology and a large links section containing hundreds of commented and rated links. In addition it has a list famous people living with MS, poems and essays by people with MS and some downloadable shareware programs to raise money for research. You can also read my story with MS.

MS Crossroads

This page collects essential links on web about multiple sclerosis (MS). I am in a process of updating links.

MS Foundation

Providing "A Brighter Tomorrow" for those with multiple sclerosis and others affected by this illness is what the Multiple Sclerosis Foundation, Inc. (MSF) strives to do each day. This contemporary, 501(c)(3) non-profit organization offers personal support and unique services to every community in the United States.

MS Information Gateway

Welcome to MS Gateway - a place of reference and support for people who live with multiple sclerosis (MS), their family and friends. We hope that you find this site useful. It is designed to complement other MS-related Web sites by providing information that may not be commonly available elsewhere.

MS Society - Israel

National Site of Israel - in Hebrew

MS Society of Canada

Welcome to the Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada new web site. It has been completely redesigned to provide you, the user, with the most accurate, up-to-date information about multiple sclerosis and the Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada in the most convenient way possible. You will find information about the disease, progress in MS research, available services and quick access to the MS Society in your region and local community.

MS Watch

Dedicated to helping manage multiple sclerosis, MSWatch® is one of the largest on-line communities for people touched by MS. Inside you'll find a wealth of information. Read up on the latest research, get answers from our experts and much more! You'll also find valuable tools you need to keep watch on multiple sclerosis.

National MS Society

The National Multiple sclerosis is dedicated to ending the devasting effects of multiple sclerosis

Neurologiskt Handikappades Riksförbund - Sweden

Neurologiskt Handikappades Riksförbund är en organisation för neurologiskt sjuka och handikappade samt deras familjer och närstående. Även andra som vill solidarisera sig med arbetet är välkomna som medlemmar. NHR har cirka 15 000 medlemmar fördelade på länsförbund och lokalföreningar. 1997 firade NHR 40-års jubileum. Svenska MS-föreningarnas Riksförbund hette det då och hade i starten 10 lokalföreningar och 2 000 medlemmar. Livslust och framtidstro har förblivit honnörsord för NHR.
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