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Links: Spina Bifida Information - International - Medical Condition

Ability Web Site

The Association for Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus beneficial area is England, Wales and Northern Ireland

Australia - SBH Queensland

This site contains information about spina bifida and hydrocephalus as well as spina bifida occulta.
When you have finished having a look around this site, please take a look at some of the other great spina bifida and hydrocephalus sites.
These generous firms donated its time and assistance to help us establish our first Web site.

Canada - The Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus Association of Ontario

The Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus Association of Ontario (SBHAO) was established as a registered charitable organization in 1973, by a small group of parents dedicated to supporting their children and each other as they faced the many challenges brought on by these two serious - Canada's most common - birth defects. Since then, SBHAO has continuously evolved to meet the needs of a membership that has grown to include children and adults as well as parents and a variety of professionals.

Children with Spina Bifida - Resource Site

This page is a compilation of information and resources intended to be a service to parents of children who have spina bifida.

Denmark - Rygmarvsbrokforeningen Af 1988

er en forældreforeningen for forældre med børn med rygmarvsbrok (Spina Bifida) og/eller vand i hovedet (Hydrocephalus) samt voksne med de samme handicap.

Germany - Ardeitsgemeinschaft Spina Bifida und Hydrocephalus

Wir informieren Sie an dieser Stelle wieder über die einzelnen Schritte der noch jungen ASbH-Stiftung seit Erscheinen des letzten ASbH-Briefes.

Italy - Associazione Piemontese Spina Bifida and Idrocefalo

APISB è una associazione regionale, punto di riferimento, confronto e sostegno per tutte le persone che si trovano a dover affrontare le problematiche sanitarie e sociali, connesse con la spina bifida

L'Association de spina-bifida et d'hydrocéphalie du Québec

In French/English En parcourant nos pages, vous vous renseignerez sur le spina-bifida et sur les personnes qui vivent avec les difficultés qu'il engendre. Vous apprendrez également que, malgré tout, l'espoir de prévention et d'une meilleure qualité de vie ne cesse de grandir…

Netherlands - BOSK

Al 50 jaar zet de BOSK* zich in voor mensen die vanaf hun jeugd een motorische handicap, een schisis of een spraak/taalstoornis hebben. De BOSK is een vereniging voor deze kinderen en volwassenen zelf, voor hun ouders, voor artsen en voor andere hulpverleners. De BOSK is een vereniging. De leden spelen dus een belangrijke rol. Zij verzamelen informatie, organiseren lotgenotenbijeenkomsten en geven voorlichting. Zij zorgen ervoor dat de stem van de BOSK wordt gehoord. Zij zijn de (ervarings)deskundigen. Zij zíjn de BOSK.

Norwegian Assoc of Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus

Velkommen Foreningen legger stor vekt på informasjon om de mange sidene ved ryggmargsbrokk. På internettsidene vil du finne viktig og nyttig informasjon om ryggmargsbrokk og hydrocephalus (vannhode).

Spina Bifida

It is my goal for this page to educate those parents who have discovered that their unborn child is affected with Spina Bifida and are desperately seeking information and for those parents who already have a child affected with Spina Bifida. I hope this page will ease some of the concerns you may have and provide hope for your child and yourselves as parents.

Spina Bifida Net

SpinaBifida.Net offers free information about Spina Bifida, Hydrocephalus, physical disabilities, special needs children, latex allergies, physically challenged teens, folic acid, plus personal stories from people with Spina Bifida.

Switzland - Schweizerische Vereinigung Spina bifida und Hydrocephalus (SBH)

Die SB+H ist ein Verein, der sich für die Anliegen der Personen mit angeborenem offenem Rückenmark (Spina bifida) und angeborenem Wasserkopf (Hydrocephalus) einsetzt

The Hydrocephalus Foundation Inc

The Hydrocephalus Foundation is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing support, educational resources and networking opportunities to patients and families affected by hydrocephalus. The Foundation also promotes related research and facilitates the training of healthcare professionals to improve patient outcome.

USA -Spina Bifida Association of America

The Mission of the Spina Bifida Association of America is to promote the prevention of spina bifida and to enhance the lives of all affected. The Association was founded in 1973 to address the specific needs of the spina bifida community and serves as the national representative of over 70 chapters. SBAA's efforts benefit thousands of infants, children, adults, parents and professionals each year.

Welcoming Babies with Spina Bifida

If your family is welcoming a new baby born with spina bifida, or if you have been told that your unborn child has spina bifida, you probably have many questions and concerns, as do your extended family, friends, and neighbors. We have written this information keeping in mind our own diverse experiences when our children were born with spina bifida.
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