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Leeds - Thackray Museum

Leeds - Thackray Museum

Provision for Disabled Visitors
The Thackray Museum strongly believes in access for all and was designed to ensure that disabled visitors were catered for.
The museum has a car park with spaces reserved for orange badge holders and the car park is situated next to the museum entrance. There is a dropped kerb and the approach to the museum is level.
The bus stop is situated approximately 100 yards from the museum.
Normal admission charges apply, but essential carers are admitted free of charge.
In the Museum
The museum exhibitions are spread over 2,500m2 on two floors. There is a lift to all floors, and seating throughout the galleries.
All areas of the museum are accessible to wheelchair users and space for wheelchair users can be reserved in the conference centre auditorium.
There are two wheelchairs available for loan for any person who may require the use of one. This includes the elderly and those visitors with walking difficulties.
Audio tapes are held at reception and can be used by the visually impaired to assist in their visit. The tapes play an audible version of the text, which is displayed in all the ground floor galleries. The tapes are re-charged regularly and are always re-wound ready for use.
Text sheets are also available from reception for people with hearing difficulties. The sheets correspond to any part of the visitor tour which contains audible materials, for example Interactive TV screens and videos.
Many areas of the museum also contain objects, displays and activities which can be touched and handled to enhance the visitor experience.
Fully accessible toilets are located on the ground floor next to the lift, and on the first floor in the entrance to the conference centre.
Cafe and Catering
The cafe is accessible to all disabled visitors and an at table waitress service can be offered to disabled visitors if they require this facility. We are also able to cater for special dietary requirements if visitors contact us in advance.

The Museum was the inspiration of Paul Thackray, grandson of Charles F Thackray, founder of the medical company bearing his name in Leeds in 1902.

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