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Buckinghamshire - Bekonscot Model Village

Buckinghamshire - Bekonscot Model Village

Fully accessable Model Village. Wheelchair friendly, Disabled Facilities Wheelchairs available (please book in advance).
An unforgettable experience for everyone, this unique piece of our heritage is just waiting to be explored by children and adults alike. Intriguing and original, the world-famous Bekonscot Model Village continues to delight and fascinate our visitors - there is so much to see!

Fun for ALL the Family
Bekonscot is not just one village; there are six charming little villages in 1.5 Acre site, miniature landscape of farms and fields, castles and churches, woods and lakes!
Walking around, you will tower over the tiny population enjoying the fun of the fair, visiting the zoo, or lazily watching the cricket on the village green.
Fun for ALL the Family

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